Samsung 980 PRO 1 TB PCIe 4.0

خدمة التوصيل10-11-2024
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Samsung 980 PRO 1 TB PCIe 4.0 (up to 7,000 MB/s) NVMe M.2 (2280) Internal Solid State Drive (SSD) (MZ-V8P1T0BW)

High-performance NVMe SSD of the 4th PCI Express generation for high-end gaming on consoles –

.....compatible with PlayStation 5 – and on PCs as well as for demanding 4K video and 3D graphics editing

Stunning speed: Up to 12.5 times faster than SATA SSDs with read/write speeds up to 7000/5000 MB/s (1TB)

إعلان رقم: 254349761

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