Mini LED Tester Test Box

خدمة التوصيل05-12-2024
10 / 1



إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. 07920792XX

Mini LED Tester Test Box فاحص ليد

السعر = 10 دينار

Mini LED Tester Test Box Handheld 2-150mA for Light-emitting Diode Bulb Lamp


LED Handy Test device, simply plug your LED into the correct holes (all of which are marked) and push the button to see its brightness, illuminant color etc

Handy device for testing LED's (2-150mA)

Simply plug your LED into the correct holes (all of which are marked) and push the button to test its brightness, illuminant color etc

The top row is for 2 pin LED's with currents ranging from 2mA - 30mA

The bottom row is for 4 pin LED's (piranha LED's) with currents ranging from 20mA - 150mA

Powered by a 9V PP3 battery (Battery not included)

Item size: Approx. 8*5.5*2.2cm (L*W*H)

Color: White


LED Tester

العدد المتوفر = 11

الرمز = 4

إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. 07920792XX

إعلان رقم: 255622173

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10 دينار
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