NOX AT10 Genius 18K 2025 Padel Racket Agustín Tapia (مضرب بادل جديد)

خدمة التوصيلقبل 11 ساعة
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كمية محدودة

NOX AT10 Genius 18K 2025 racket, Agustín Tapia's racket for the 2025 season. A racket made hand in hand with the Mozart of Catamarca with an aluminized carbon fiber face and a double rough finish (3D hexagonal in the center and sand texture on the rest) improves control and allows you to add more effect to the ball. This teardrop-shaped version integrates a multi-layer core that combines different rubber densities to optimize ball output in low-speed defensive hits a

إعلان رقم: 256248595

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