ARCTIC MX-4 4G 2019 EDITION Thermal Compound (2G) معجون تبريد حراري اركتيك نسخة 2019

خدمة التوصيلقبل 16 ساعة
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Exceptional performance

The Arctic MX-4 is composed of carbon micro-particles that lead to an extremely high thermal conductivity. It guarantees quick and efficient dissipation of heat from the CPU or GPU.

Safe and easy application

The Arctic MX-4 is a metal-free and non-electrically conductive compound. That eliminates the risks of short circuit and provides protection to your computer. Also the application is very easy as the consistency is just ideal for application on chips.

Great value


إعلان رقم: 256660623

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الحزام الأزرق BLUEBELT

الحزام الأزرق BLUEBELT

( 160 )
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