Nox AT10 GENIUS 18K by Agustín Tapia 2024 Padel racket (جديد) (كمية محدودة) (مضرب بادل)

خدمة التوصيل03-03-2025
11 / 1



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Nox AT10 GENIUS 18K pala by Agustín Tapia 2024, the new pala from Mozart de Catamarca for the 2024 season. The new Nox pala debuts a new model, new materials and new technology.

The edges of the profiles have been shaped to increase aerodynamics, the grip has been lengthened to facilitate grip, but what stands out most is the incorporation of EOS Flap technology , lateral perforations designed to increase the maneuverability of the racket and distrib

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