مروحة تبريد مناسبة للهواتف التاب و اللابتوب Cooling Pad 638 B Fits 9 to 17 Inch

خدمة التوصيلقبل 10 ساعات
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The Cooling Pad 638 B is a laptop cooling pad designed to fit devices ranging from 9 to 17 inches. Here are some key features and specifications you might find useful:

Key Features of Cooling Pad 638 B:


Fits laptops and tablets with screen sizes from 9 to 17 inches, making it versatile for various devices.

Cooling System:

Typically equipped with one or more fans (often 1-2 large fans) that provide effective airflow to help dissipate heat from the laptop.

إعلان رقم: 260203353

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