رداد باب اوتوماتيكي تقفيل الباب بشكل اوتوماتيكي Door Closer Model Solex 86

خدمة التوصيلقبل 9 ساعات
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The Solex 86 Door Closer is a versatile and stylish option for managing door closure in various settings. Here are the key features and specifications for the models designed for 60 kg and 80 kg doors, along with their design aspects:

Key Features

Weight Capacity:

Solex 86 (60 kg): Suitable for doors weighing up to 60 kg.

Solex 86 (80 kg): Designed for heavier doors, accommodating weights up to 80 kg.


Varstile Design: The Solex 86 features a modern and sleek design that complements va

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