بروجكتر مع واي فاي RD-850 ODM Projector Mini Portable Wifi Projector Led Wireless Portati

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بروجكتر مع واي فاي RD-850 ODM Projector Mini Portable Wifi Projector Led Wireless Portati

The RD-850 ODM projector is a mini portable device designed for high flexibility and ease of use. Featuring LED technology, it delivers bright and clear visuals suitable for various environments.

With Wi-Fi connectivity, you can easily stream content and connect wirelessly to your devices without the need for additional cables.

This wireless projector is compact and lightweight, making it perfect for both home use and on-the-go applications.

Ideal for watching movies, presentations, or gaming, the RD-850 combines portability with advanced features to provide an exceptional viewing experience.

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*الموقع : عمان / وسط البلد هاتف إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. 07980824XX

إعلان رقم: 260640165

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