Aluminum Laptop Stand, perfect fit for almost alLAPTOP STAND AP-2V ستاند لابتوب ماك معدني سلفر رائع

خدمة التوصيل18-03-2025
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• Aluminum Laptop Stand, perfect fit for almost all laptops available in the market. Swivel Laptop Stand elevates your laptop screen height to eye level for a more comfortable and neck-friendly viewing height.

• Aluminum alloy material, solid construction, and high-end outlook

• 360-degree rotating base allows rotating to any direction you want, easy to share with others

• With thermal conductivity, cooling efficiency

• Ergonomic and neck-friendly 135mm elevating screen and 15-degree angle design

• Rubber pads on the surface, anti-slip. Rubber feet on the base improves the stability

• Humanized cable-through hole design adapted from the famous Imac stand.

• Size: 24 x 23.5 x 13.5cm

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• خيارات متعددة وأسعار متنوعة تلبي احتياجات الجمبيع.

• مواصفات عالية وتشكيلة تلبي جميع الاختيارات.

• إحجز جهازك الخاص الآن:

إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. 07855153XX

إعلان رقم: 260659587

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