Apple iPad Air 5 WiFi only 64GB gray with keyboard, back case and pencil.

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Apple iPad Air 5 (WiFi Only) – 64GB

This Apple iPad Air 5 is in excellent condition, with no scratches, dents, or signs of wear. It has been well cared for and functions flawlessly. The battery health is excellent, providing a full day’s use on a single charge.

Key Details:

Model: Apple iPad Air 5 (WiFi Only)

Storage: 64GB

Condition: Excellent, no scratches or dents

Battery Life: Lasts a full day on a single charge

Coverage: Expired

Accessories Included: Original Apple charger and USB-C chargi

إعلان رقم: 260713955

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 Zaid Armouti

Zaid Armouti

( 0 )
عضو منذ 24-10-2024
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