JBL Tune 510BT headphones

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The JBL Tune 510BT headphones let you stream powerful JBL Pure Bass sound with no strings attached. Easy to use, these headphones provide up to 40 hours of pure pleasure and an extra 2 hours of battery with just 5 minutes of power with the USB-C charging cable. And if a call comes in while you are watching a video on another device, the JBL Tune 510BT seamlessly switches to your mobile. Bluetooth 5.0 enabled and designed to be comfortable, the JBL Tune 510BT headphones also allow you to connect

إعلان رقم: 260948931

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صاحب الإعلان

 Mohammad Yousef

Mohammad Yousef

( 0 )
عضو منذ 09-06-2021
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