مقياس حموضة وملوحة ودرجة حرارة عالي الدقة Ph tester/TDS/Temperature

خدمة التوصيل27-03-2025
6 / 1



Features & details

【3-in-1 pH Meter】pH meter has a three-in-one function, which can measure PH, TDS and temperature with high precision at the same time. All-round measurement of water quality to ensure healthy water quality.

【Automatic Calibration pH Tester】With high sensitive glass probe, you can get a full measurement range of 0-14pH. This pH meter uses a 3-point calibration method to calibrate the electrode to solutions with pH 4.01, pH 6.86, and pH 9.18 pH powder. You can calibrate effortle

إعلان رقم: 261062689

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