
Car Key Programmer For Toyota G H Chip

Car Key Programmer For Toyota G H Chip
م. علاء المشني.طبربور, عمان



متطلبات الوظيفة


قدم على الوظيفة لإظهار الرقم..07920792XX

Car Key Programmer For Toyota G H Chip

السعر = 30 دينار


Save time and money with Toyota customers that just need a spare key programmed into their vehicles. This will not work for you if your customer lost all of their keys, but it is an extremely affordable option when you have access to one working key.

How To Use:

To Add Another Transponder Key

Flip switch on the programmer to the LEFT.

Close all doors.

Insert the original key into the ignition and turn the key to the ON position.

Insert the programmer into the OBD2 port. The programmer will beep twice indicating the beginning of the programming process. After a short pause, the programmer will beep several more times and the vehicle's anti-theft light will illuminate.

Once the anti-theft light turns on, remove the customer's original key (anti-theft light will flash) and insert the new key into the ignition (DO NOT TURN KEY). Anti-theft light will extinguish when key has been programmed.

To Program New Remote

Flip switch on the programmer to the RIGHT.

Close all doors.

Insert the original key into the ignition and turn the key to the ON position.

Insert the programmer into the OBD2 port. The programmer will beep twice indicating the beginning of the programming process. After a short pause, the programmer will beep several more times and the vehicle's anti-theft light will illuminate.

Open the driver's door. The programmer will begin beeping.

Press both the LOCK and UNLOCK buttons at the same time on the new remote.

Release both buttons.

Press the LOCK button.

العدد المتوفر = 2

الرمز = 7

Car Key Programmer For Toyota G H Chip

جهاز ل برمجة مفاتيح ال تويوتا

قدم على الوظيفة لإظهار الرقم..07920792XX

اسأل جهة التوظيف
اعلان رقم: 255500201

الوظائف المشابهة

طبربور, عمان

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نصائح عامة:

  • لا تشارك بيانات سرية أو شخصية
  • احذر وتأكد أن جهة التوظيف موثوقة
  • لا تقم بدفع المال لتوظيفك أو تدريبك
طبربور, عمان
م. علاء المشني.
م. علاء المشني.
عضو منذ 30-07-2013
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