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UGREEN LP479 Laser Pointer Presenter قلم لايزر

UGREEN LP479 Laser Pointer Presenter   قلم لايزر
القدس للالكترونياتوسط البلد, عمان
وسط البلد, عمان

UGREEN LP479 Laser Pointer Presenter قلم لايزر



متطلبات الوظيفة


UGREEN LP479 Laser Pointer Presenter

قلم لايزر

A red laser beam that is Class 2 rated and has a maximum output of less than 1mW, considered safe for most uses.

Connects to a computer or other device via USB and can be controlled by a wireless remote.

Wireless remote allows you to control the laser pointer from a distance, with a range of up to 33 feet.

Remote also includes a built-in laser pointer.

Small, lightweight and easy to use, making it an ideal tool for both professional and personal presentations.

Compatible with Windows, Mac OS, and Linux operating systems.

Supported Software: PowerPoint / Excel / PDF / Word / Lync / Access / Project / InfoPath / Outlook / Publisher / Visio / OneNote

Size: 143mm x 28mm x 13mm

*الموقع : عمان / وسط البلد هاتف قدم على الوظيفة لإظهار الرقم..07980824XX

اسأل جهة التوظيف
اعلان رقم: 259967611

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وسط البلد, عمان
القدس للالكترونيات
القدس للالكترونيات
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