شحن رصيد تركي شراء العاب بلس

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يوجد شحن رصيد ستور تركي شراء العاب بلس تركي

Click to show phone number.. 07800766XX واتس اب

50tl = 2jd

100tl = 3jd

200tl = 5.5jd

400tl = 10jd

500tl = 12jd

1000tl = 22jd

plus Essential 1 Monthly 5JD

plus Extra 1 Monthly 7jd

plus Deluxe 1 Monthly 8JD

plus Essential 3 Monthly 12JD

plus Extra 3 Monthly 18jd

plus Deluxe 3 Monthly 20JD

plus Essential 12 Monthly 33JD

plus Extra 12 Monthly 53JD

plus Deluxe 12 Monthly 63JD

Post ID: 260393127

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General Tips
  1. Only meet in public places
  2. Never pay or transfer money in advance
  3. Inspect the product before you buy it

Post Owner

 فيصل العايد

فيصل العايد

( 21 )
Member Since 03-11-2014
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Amman - Marka Al Shamaliya

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