
The best way to

sell anything

Add New listing

Respond to calls and messages

Earn Money

  • Sell your car

    Sell your car

    Connect with buyers and get the best price for your car. List your car now and experience selling on OpenSooq.

  • Sell or rent out your property

    Sell or rent out your property

    Are you a property owner looking to sell or rent? List your property on OpenSooq to connect with potential buyers and tenants. Sell or rent out your property quickly and at the best possible price.

  • Find a job or fill a vacancy

    Find a job or fill a vacancy

    Looking for a job? Find it now on OpenSooq. Job seekers can search our database for free. Recruiters can effortlessly post vacancies, reach more people, and connect with prospective hires. Join OpenSooq today for seamless recruitment and job hunting.

  • Sell anything

    Sell anything

    Sell almost anything you want on OpenSooq. From electronics, pets and furniture, to games, fashion and sports equipment - and everything in between. Given our reach, we are confident that we can help you sell or buy even niche items that you might struggle with on other platforms.

Why list on OpenSooq?


The best platform to sell anything


Visitors annually to OpenSooq


An item is listed as sold every 13 seconds


How does OpenSooq work?

long line image
cell phoneTake pictures

Take crisp, clean pictures of your product with good lighting

paperAdd your details

Fill out all information accurately

telephoneRespond to buyers

Be ready to receive calls and messages from interested buyers who are looking to buy what you are selling

shaking handsSeal the deal and get paid

Receive offers, select your preferred buyer and agree on payment and delivery mechanics

How much does it cost?

  • Group

    Add New Listing

    We offer the option to list both free and paid listings based on your selected category

  • Group

    Are you a business selling more than one item in the same category?

    Businesses can now benefit from additional functionality and savings by purchasing a package of paid listings in any category

  • Group

    Promote Your Listing

    Purchase any of our promotion products to benefit from greater visibility

    Boost your Listing
  • Group

    Register an Account

    Registering an account on OpenSooq is free

Reach new buyers, anywhere

If buying and selling is your business, grow your prospects by listing on OpenSooq. Sign up to get access to a range of exclusive products and services.

  1. Select from custom packages to suit your needs
  2. Promote or Repost your listing to increase visibility and reach more buyers
  3. Benefit from a dedicated dashboard to manage your account and review performance

Tips for selling more quickly

OpenSooq is the most trusted marketplace bringing buyers and sellers together. To sell faster, make sure you follow the simple tips set out below.

  • badge1


    Improve the visibility of your listing so you can reach more people, faster

  • badge2


    Move your listing back to the top of the search results

  • badge3

    Be communicative

    Respond to calls and messages quickly and professionally

  • badge4

    Improve your rating

    Build trust by consistently providing quality products and services (including after-sale services)

  • badge5

    Increase listing quality

    More information and better pictures will improve your score, boost visibility and boost your chances of a sale

What do you want to sell or list?

Frequently Asked Questions

How to create an account?

OpenSooq is a popular online classifieds platform that allows users to buy and sell a variety of items, including cars. If you want to sell your car on OpenSooq in Jordan here's a general outline of the process you might follow: 1. Create an Account 2. Prepare Car Details 3. Take High-Quality Photos 4. Set an Asking Price 5. Respond to Inquiries 6. Negotiate and communicate 7. Arrange Viewings and Test Drives 8. Sell your car

How to start selling on OpenSooq?

Click on the "Add Listing" button on OpenSooq's website or app. Provide details about the item you're selling, such as its title, description, price, condition, location, and photos. Be clear and descriptive in your listing to attract potential buyers.

What items cannot be listed on OpenSooq?

This includes illegal, adult, hazardous, stolen, and illegal services, unauthorized pharmaceuticals, alcohol, tobacco, and more.

How to promote listings?

Go to your listings, then select the listing that you want to promote. Choose the desired service and duration.

How to find your dream job on OpenSooq?

Your dream job is just a few clicks away. Join OpenSooq today and start your journey to a fulfilling and successful career.

How to improve your rating?

Be honest about the condition of the items you're selling or the services you're offering. Ensure that your listings, product descriptions, and profiles contain accurate and detailed information.

How to increase your listing quality?

Ensure that your descriptions are clear and detailed, use high-quality photos, and be transparent about your items or services. Set competitive prices, use relevant keywords, and choose the right category to increase visibility.

Can I get a business package to post more listings?

Yes, OpenSooq typically offers business packages and premium subscriptions for users who want to post more listings and access additional features to enhance their online presence.

How can I sell my item fast?

Set an appealing price by researching the market, capture your item with high-quality photos from various angles, provide a detailed and honest description, and consider using one of our paid advertising services to increase your visibility by up to 25 times.