Scottish straight ny25 golden shaded pure 55days old with litter box- food for a month and all need

10 / 1



قط سكوتش بيور العمر 55 يوم معموله grooming من يوم مع كافة مستلزماته

ليتر بوكس - صحون اكل حديد - اكل يكفيه شهر - تراب - شنتة نقل

رقم التواصل :

Click to show phone number.. 07912205XX

Scottish Straights are gentle, calm cats with characteristically round faces. Their sweet, friendly nature and low-key attitude make them an excellent fit for most families.

Post ID: 260470797

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150 JOD
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  1. Only meet in public places
  2. Never pay or transfer money in advance
  3. Inspect the product before you buy it

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Member Since 11-10-2023
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Amman - Daheit Al Rasheed

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