Energizer AA Power Plus 2000 mAh Rechargeable batteries 1.2V NiMh

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Energizer AA Power Plus 2000 mAh

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الطقم من اربع حبات ب 20 دينار

والحبة الواحدة ب 5 دنانير

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Energizer AA Power Plus 2000 mAh Rechargeable batteries 1.2V NiMh Accu HR6

Capacity 2000 mAh

Voltage 1.2 V

Rechargeable YES

Everyday devices such as Digital cameras, torches, LED lights, CD/MP3 players, toys, games controllers

Equivalent to

HR6, LR6, MN1500, MIGNON, 15A, 15AC, 4006, 815, AA, AM3, E91, KAA, ND62S, STILO

Pre-Charged: rea

Post ID: 260534037

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20 JOD
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  1. Only meet in public places
  2. Never pay or transfer money in advance
  3. Inspect the product before you buy it

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