جهاز دي جي ماركة رولاند Roland DJ 202 DJ Controller

7 hours ago
4 / 1



الجهاز لم يستخدم .. معاه كل حاجته و معاه شنطة جلد هدية


Click to show phone number.. +962 7 9057 65XX

Sampling Frequency: 48 kHz

Nominal input level: MIC IN (1/4-inch phone type): -60 dBu

Nominal output level: MASTER OUT: 2.0 Vrms

Input impedance: MIC IN (Combo type): 7 k ohms or greater

Output impedance

MASTER OUT: 1 k ohm

PHONES: 22 ohms

Frequency response: 48.0 kHz: 20 Hz–22 kHz (+0/-2 dB)


MIC IN jack: 1/4-inch phone type

MASTER OUT jacks: RCA phono type


Post ID: 260714643

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  3. Inspect the product before you buy it

Post Owner

 Mohamed Elsayed

Mohamed Elsayed

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Member Since 30-10-2022
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Amman - University Street

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