قطعة حساب الاستهلاك والعناصر الكهربائية

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قطعة حساب الاستهلاك والعناصر الكهربائية

الواط kWh

السعر = 35 دينار

Click to show phone number.. 07920792XX

Color Display AC50-300V Digital Power Energy Temp Meter Ammeter Voltmeter


Color Display AC 50-300V Digital Electricity Energy Meter 6 in 1 Ammeter Voltmeter Thermometer kWh Electric Meter Wattmeter

Model: KWS-AC300-100A

Current: 0- 100A

Voltage AC 50-300V

Electricity: 0.01-19999kWh

Power: 0-30kW

Timing: 0-200Hh

Humidity: 10-99°C

Weight: 95g

BACKLIGHT operatin

Post ID: 260882437

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35 JOD
General Tips
  1. Only meet in public places
  2. Never pay or transfer money in advance
  3. Inspect the product before you buy it

Post Owner

م. علاء المشني.

م. علاء المشني.

( 284 )
Member Since 30-07-2013
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Amman - Tabarboor

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