بيسي جيمنج pc

7 / 1



CPU : i5 9500

GPU : 1650 ASUS TUF gaming 4GP

M.P : PRIME Z370_P

ram : 16 8x2 hyper x fury

power supply : 650w

HHD : 1 TB

SSD : 250 GB

case : xigmatex


قابل للتفاوض بأشي بسيط

بعد المعاينه

Post ID: 260940665

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280 JOD
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  1. Only meet in public places
  2. Never pay or transfer money in advance
  3. Inspect the product before you buy it

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 حسين جبيل

حسين جبيل

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Member Since 10-10-2024
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Amman - Marka Al Shamaliya

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