
Human Resource Officer -Amman

Human Resource Officer
Human Resource Officer -Amman
عماد تيلخSwelieh, Amman
Swelieh, Amman

Human Resource Officer -Amman

Job Info

Human Resource Officer
400 JOD

Job Requirements

Arabic, English
AdaptabilityTelephone conversationsMS WordSelf-managementInternet SearchPhotoshopProblem-solvingDocuments AuditTraining & DevelopmentComputer skillsMulti-taskingEmail usage knowledgeCreativeCommunicationWillingness to learnWorking with DatabasesFinding & Attracting ClientsTeamworkNegotiationStaff MotivationInterpersonalBusiness CorrespondenceMS PowerpointFast LearnerProject ManagementMS Excel

عماد تيلخ / 28 سنة / بكالوريوس دراسات تنمية / جامعة فيلادلفيا 2018

المهارات :-

-استخدام نظام خدمات ذاتية للمدراء والموظفين MenaME

- استخدام برامج office و معظم برامج التصميم والمونتاج بشكل احترافي

- ارسال واستقبال الايميلات

- التصوير photos and videos

-حل المشاكل بشكل عقلاني وقانوني (مهما كانت)

Ask Job Owner
AD No: 195720331

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General Tips

  • Do not share confidential or personal data
  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Swelieh, Amman
عماد تيلخ
عماد تيلخ
Member Since29-01-2016
Replies Within 10 hours

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