
Elementary Teacher -Irbid

Elementary Teacher
Elementary Teacher -Irbid
omar Mohammad30 Street, Irbid
30 Street, Irbid

Elementary Teacher -Irbid

Job Info

Elementary Teacher

Job Requirements

Arabic, English
Computer skillsTeamworkInterpersonalAdaptabilityFast Learner

عندي القدره على تدريس الصفوف الاولى معظم المواد تخصصي ارشاد نفسي وتربوي ولدي خبره 5 سنوات في مركز طب واسنان التزم بالتوقيتات واحب العمل الجاد ولدي المقدره على اكتساب مهارات التواصل والتدريس

رقمي للتواصل Apply to show phone number..07774651XX

Ask Job Owner
AD No: 212453964

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General Tips

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  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
30 Street, Irbid
omar Mohammad
omar Mohammad
Member Since23-10-2015
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