
Motorcycle Driver -Amman

Motorcycle Driver
Motorcycle Driver -Amman
AbdullahOther, Amman

Job Info

Motorcycle Driver
400 JOD

Job Requirements

Arabic , English
InterpersonalBusiness CorrespondenceDocuments AuditFast LearnerProject ManagementEmail usage knowledgeAdaptabilityContracts PreparationWorking with DatabasesSelf-managementTelephone conversationsStaff MotivationComputer skillsProblem-solvingInternet SearchMS PowerpointCommunicationWillingness to learnConducting presentationsMS ExcelTeamworkMulti-taskingCreativeMS WordLeadershipNegotiationTraining & DevelopmentAutoCAD

درست سنة جامعة ولم اوفق

Ask Job Owner
AD No: 224605594

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Member Since13-01-2023
Replies Within 21 hour

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