
Sales Agent -Amman

Sales Agent
Sales Agent -Amman
Abdullah hussein qasimArjan, Amman
Arjan, Amman

Sales Agent -Amman

Job Info

Sales Agent
300 JOD

Job Requirements

Arabic, English
Computer skills

ممثل مسرحي وفنان في الوسط الفني الأردني، مواليد السعودية وطالب في جامعة عمان الأهلية.. بائع وتاجر حر في عمان

Ask Job Owner
AD No: 235938802

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General Tips

  • Do not share confidential or personal data
  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Arjan, Amman
Abdullah hussein qasim
Abdullah hussein qasim
Member Since16-07-2023
Replies Within 4 hours

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